Beginning on January 1, 2013, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification for general sonography will be accepted by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) to allow sonographers to administer and read sonograms. Students holding a general sonography certificate will be able to perform sonograms in general abdominal, obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound.
Testing requirements for sonography certification have changed somewhat compared to the requirements for 2012. As of January 1, 2013, in order to receive certification in sonography from ARRT, two benchmarks must be met.
Even though a student may want to only do abdominal sonography or obstetric sonography, he or she must pass both sections of the exam, as well as the entire exam, as a prerequisite for obtaining the ARRT certification.
Additionally, ARRT certification requires students to complete 24 credits in ultrasound continuing medical education courses over the next two years. Of those 24 biennial credits, 16 must be in sonography-related activities.
Currently, ARRT sonography certification tests require students to answer 400 questions. Subject matter covers patient care, physical principles of ultrasound and different types of sonography procedures. A student must demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in sonography procedures involving the abdomen, pelvis, obstetrics, gynecology, superficial structures and non-cardiac chest cases.
Credentials are given in a general and several more specific areas of practice. ARRT certification given in general sonography is accepted by the American College for Radiology (ACR). Vascular sonography certification is required by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission’s (IAC) Vascular Testing standards and Breast sonography is the required standard of both the ACR and AIUM.
Do you know that you can also get certified as a sonographer through ARDMS and CCI? Click here to get more information on how to become a certified sonographer, or find your ARRT recognized school in the school directory.