Although this website focuses on sonography as a career, another recurring theme was the many benefits of ultrasound procedure itself – benefits that will cause a high demand for sonographers both now and in future. Benefits of Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool Compared with other diagnostic tools, ultrasound is considered safe and produces no side […]
Ultrasound Knowledge
This section provides essential ultrasound knowledge a future ultrasound technician ought to know about before deciding whether or not to enter this field. Our list of featured articles explains how ultrasound machines work, ultrasound history, different uses of ultrasound, different types of ultrasound imaging, the known risks and benefits of ultrasound, and the future of this technology within the healthcare field.
Abdominal Ultrasound Uses
This section with 12 short articles offers a systematic survey of the uses and limits of common types of ultrasound scans. In some cases, it builds on information presented earlier in the article 10 Types of Ultrasound Specialists to give a more complete picture of the capabilities of this powerful diagnostic tool as well as […]
Vascular Ultrasound Uses
Vascular Ultrasound is used to evaluate the veins, arteries and blood flow of the body. Vascular sonographers employ ultrasound to detect plaque accumulation, blood clots, embolisms, blockages and similar problems. Vascular sonography can detect deep venous thrombosis, which is the presence of blood clots in major arm or leg veins. It allows doctors to determine […]
Sonohysterography Uses, Limitations
Sonohysterography, also referred to as hysterosonography or saline infusion sonography, is a type of pelvic ultrasound procedure that involves scanning the interior of a woman’s uterus using a transvaginal probe inserted into the vagina. To obtain ultrasound images of this area, a baseline scan is performed after which the uterus is injected with sterile saline […]
Pelvic Ultrasound
Pelvic Ultrasound is used to obtain images of organs, tissues and structures of the lower abdominal and pelvic areas. These ultrasound pictures can be generated by using a probe on the surface of the abdomen, by inserting a vaginal probe in women, and by using a rectal probe for men. For women, a pelvic ultrasound […]